Swansea Bay University Health Board (SBUHB) has commissioned an external independent review of maternity and neonatal services. The review is being overseen by an independent Oversight Panel.
The review consists of several workstreams including a clinical review, a review of current departmental risks, a governance assessment and contextual analysis. Underpinning the review is an engagement programme to gather feedback from families and staff on their experiences of maternity and neonatal services.
This website provides access to different ways for families to get in touch with the review and provide feedback on their experiences; it also provides information about the support available for families.
The clinical team will be undertaking a review of some maternity and neonatal cases and the experiences of families. This will be a phased approach and a letter will be sent to families in advance of the review to ask if they wish to be involved.
This is an independent review; please click here for more information about independence and the governance arrangements for this review.
Use of your information
We want to assure you that we will be very careful with the information you provide to the review team; this includes your data, your personal information and information on your experiences. Your views on the care you have received are vital and we might use your information in a number of different ways, including:
If you provide us with information which indicates a safeguarding concern, we may ask for more information or escalate this to the relevant persons or public authority.
If information we hold is requested by a Coroner or by an Order of the Court, we might need to release this, but we will let you know first.
All information that we hold will be kept on our secure systems for two years following the completion of the review process, after which point it will be safely destroyed. If you are concerned at all about how your information might be used, kept or accessed please get in touch with us at: swanseamaternityreview@nicheconsult.co.uk
You can read more about our data security protocols here: https://www.nicheconsult.co.uk/support-information/#data
Mae Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Bae Abertawe (BIPBA) wedi comisiynu adolygiad annibynnol allanol o wasanaethau mamolaeth a newyddenedigol. Mae’r adolygiad yn cael ei oruchwylio gan Banel Goruchwylio annibynnol.
Mae’r adolygiad yn cynnwys sawl ffrwd waith gan gynnwys adolygiad clinigol, adolygiad o risgiau adrannol cyfredol, asesiad llywodraethu a dadansoddiad cyd – destunol. Yn sail i’r adolygiad mae rhaglen ymgysylltu i gasglu adborth gan deuluoedd a staff ar eu profiadau o wasanaethau mamolaeth a newyddenedigol.
Mae’r wefan hon yn darparu mecanweithiau cyfathrebu i deuluoedd gysylltu â’r adolygiad a rhoi adborth ar eu profiadau; mae hefyd yn darparu gwybodaeth am adnoddau cefnogaeth i deuluoedd.
Bydd y tîm clinigol yn cynnal adolygiad o rai achosion mamolaeth a newyddenedigol a phrofiadau teuluoedd. Bydd hwn yn ddull graddol a bydd llythyr yn cael ei anfon at deuluoedd cyn yr adolygiad i ofyn a ydynt yn dymuno cymryd rhan.
Mae hwn yn adolygiad annibynnol; cliciwch yma i gael rhagor o wybodaeth am annibyniaeth a’r trefniadau llywodraethu ar gyfer yr adolygiad hwn.
Defnydd o’ch gwybodaeth
Rydym am eich sicrhau y byddwn yn ofalus iawn gyda’r wybodaeth a roddwch i’r tîm adolygu; mae hyn yn cynnwys eich data, eich gwybodaeth bersonol a gwybodaeth am eich profiadau. Mae eich barn am y gofal a gawsoch yn hanfodol ac efallai y byddwn yn defnyddio’ch gwybodaeth mewn nifer o wahanol ffyrdd, gan gynnwys:
Os byddwch yn rhoi gwybodaeth i ni sy’n nodi pryder diogelu, gallwn ofyn am fwy o wybodaeth neu gyfeirio hyn at y personau perthnasol neu’r awdurdod cyhoeddus.
Os bydd Crwner neu Orchymyn y Llys yn gofyn am wybodaeth sydd gennym, efallai y bydd angen i ni ryddhau hyn, ond byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi yn gyntaf.
Bydd yr holl wybodaeth sydd gennym yn cael ei chadw ar ein systemau diogel am ddwy flynedd ar ôl cwblhau’r broses adolygu, ac ar ôl hynny bydd yn cael ei dinistrio’n ddiogel. Os ydych chi’n poeni o gwbl am sut y gallai eich gwybodaeth gael ei defnyddio, ei chadw neu ei chyrchu, cysylltwch â ni yn: swanseamaternityreview@nicheconsult.co.uk
Gallwch ddarllen mwy am ein protocolau diogelwch data yma: https://www.nicheconsult.co.uk/support-information/#data
Here you will find the Terms of Reference for the Swansea Bay Maternity and Neonatal Review. These Terms of Reference were subject to a ‘listening period’ between January and June 2024 and amendments have been made. Click Here to see changes to the Terms of Reference.
This is the final document, click on the link below.
Yma fe welwch y Cylch Gorchwyl ar gyfer Adolygiad Mamolaeth a Newyddenedigol Bae Abertawe. Bu’r Cylch Gorchwyl hwn yn destun ‘cyfnod gwrando’ rhwng Ionawr a Mehefin 2024 a gwnaed gwelliannau. Cliciwch yma i weld y newidiadau i’r Cylch Gorchwyl.
Dyma’r ddogfen derfynol, cliciwch ar y ddolen isod.
View Terms of ReferenceHere you will find the latest news and updates on the review:
Yma fe welwch y newyddion a'r diweddariadau diweddaraf ar yr adolygiad:
We understand that this review may be difficult for some women and families, particularly as going through the different stages of the whole review process might take some time. There are many sources of advice, advocacy and support locally and nationally. If at any time you feel you require help then please click one of the links below to organisations and contacts who may be able to help:
Rydym yn deall y gall yr adolygiad hwn fod yn anodd i rai menywod a theuluoedd, yn enwedig gan y gallai mynd trwy wahanol gamau y broses adolygu gyfan gymryd peth amser. Mae yna lawer o ffynonellau cyngor, eiriolaeth a chefnogaeth yn lleol ac yn genedlaethol. Os teimlwch fod angen help arnoch ar unrhyw adeg, cliciwch ar un o'r dolenni isod i sefydliadau a chysylltiadau a allai helpu:
Several other local support resources are available; click here for more information:
Llais Survey
A further opportunity for your experience to influence how maternity services improve:
Llais, the independent body set up to give the people of Wales a stronger voice in their health and social care services, would like to hear about the care you received from Swansea Bay University Health Board maternity services throughout your pregnancy and afterwards through a survey. They will use what you tell them to inform this independent maternity review and make representations to the Health Board to make sure that maternity services improve and develop.
You can find the survey and more information here: https://www.haveyoursayllaiscymru.com/experience-of-maternity-services
If you need further help or support, please contact us: swanseamaternityreview@nicheconsult.co.uk
Mae nifer o adnoddau cymorth lleol eraill ar gael; cliciwch yma am fwy o wybodaeth:
Arolwg Llais
Cyfle ymhellach i’ch profiad ddylanwadu ar sut mae gwasanaethau mamolaeth yn gwella:
Hoffai Llais, y corff annibynnol a sefydlwyd i roi llais cryfach i bobl Cymru yn eu gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, glywed am y gofal a gawsoch gan wasanaethau mamolaeth Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Bae Abertawe drwy gydol eich beichiogrwydd ac wedyn drwy arolwg. Byddant yn defnyddio’r hyn a ddywedwch wrthynt i lywio’r adolygiad mamolaeth annibynnol hwn a gwneud sylwadau i’r Bwrdd Iechyd i sicrhau bod gwasanaethau mamolaeth yn gwella ac yn datblygu.
Gallwch ddod o hyd i’r arolwg a mwy o wybodaeth yma: https://www.haveyoursayllaiscymru.com/experience-of-maternity-services
Os oes angen cymorth neu gymorth pellach arnoch, cysylltwch â ni: swanseamaternityreview@nicheconsult.co.uk
It is so important that the review team can hear and understand your experiences. By clicking the following link you will be taken to a form where you can:
This link is not yet live, more information is to follow soon.
Mae mor bwysig bod y tîm adolygu yn gallu clywed a deall eich profiadau. Drwy glicio ar y ddolen ganlynol byddwch yn cael eich cymryd i ffurflen lle gallwch:
Nid yw’r ddolen hon yn fyw eto, mae rhagor o wybodaeth i ddilyn yn fuan.