Swansea Bay Independent Maternity and Neonatal Review

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Who We Are

Who we are

We are a trusted and credible investigatory firm. As the leading supplier of independent investigations to NHS England and NHS Improvement, our breadth and depth of experience has helped us to become a recognised leader in this field.

Our History

Niche were formed back in 1992 by three individuals who had a vision to create a specialist management consultancy. This would be based on a team of NHS dedicated subject matter experts providing value for money and practical solutions to the problems clients faced. This vision, and the way of working it fosters, still runs through Niche today.

The firm has seen many changes in personnel over the years, and a few revisions to its name. We still retain a base in Manchester though our team are spread wide from Scotland through to the south coast of England.

Kate Jury

Managing Partner



Kate joined Niche having very successfully worked for several years as a Quality Governance Practice Director for Deloitte LLP.  Prior to this she worked in a large acute NHS Foundation Trust managing all aspects of patient experience (including complaints, litigation and public involvement). Kate is a strongly values driven partner who enjoys building teams, relationships and supporting the development of others.

Kate specialises in undertaking major multi agency independent investigations, quality assurance reviews and governance and due diligence reviews in line with core regulatory frameworks. She has undertaken many investigations and complaint reviews into serious quality failures including G.P conduct, Never Events, catastrophic incidents and culture reviews.

She has significant experience in analysing the effectiveness of the escalation systems, processes and information from which the Boards derives assurance on quality and particularly on the culture and structures required to deliver excellent healthcare. Within Niche Kate plays a lead role in both our investigations and assurance work, as well as with major investigations, and leads on quality and compliance.

Skills and Experience

  • Large scale system-wide multi population Independent Investigations following complaints and serious incidents. 
  • Being a nationally renowned healthcare governance specialist having worked with well over 300 healthcare organisations across all healthcare sectors.
  • Vast experience on working on multi-agency governance and investigation cases.
  • Co-developing national guidance on board assurance on quality governance (BGAF) and developing guidance on quality for various leadership organisations.
  • Assisting organisations to establish effective systems for governance including complaints processes, risk management systems and escalation processes.
  • Specialist expertise in complaints investigations and helping organisations to learn from errors.
  • Undertaking due diligence projects on some of the largest healthcare sector reconfigurations and transactions in the country and devising a process for identifying red flags for quality for a number of organisations involved in the due diligence process.
  • Working with challenged trusts and undertaking forensic reviews and investigations on failures in governance such as Homicide, Clinical Malpractice, referral to treatment (RTT) reporting issues, Whistleblowing reviews, Never Event analysis and Sepsis episodes reporting and developing new (resultant) clinical engagement programmes.
  • Co-developing an Executive Team effectiveness tool and undertaking research and a development needs analysis in relation to NEDs, Chairs, Governors and CCG Lay Members on how to work outside of organisational form.
  • Kate is an expert at tackling dysfunction and supporting collaborative team development programmes and she has extensive training in transactional analysis and communication methods.

James Fitton




James has been with Niche for over two decades. With a MSc in Evidence-based Healthcare, an MA and MBA, his emphasis is on service evaluation and modelling-based service strategy, grounded in evidence-based practice and sound business approaches.  James leads our evaluation and assurance based areas and has a major role in modelling assignments. Prior to joining Niche, James spent 14 years within the NHS, managing mental health and learning disability services in both rural and urban areas of the North West of England.

He has also served as a Director of the National Institute for Mental Health in England and has served as a Trustee of several local charities, and of a charitable company. James has also been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, in recognition of his work in the development of mental health services. Within Niche James plays a significant role in our assurance and Improvement Analytics areas and leads on HR and quality aspects for the board. 

Skills and Experience

  • Complex evaluations of mental health and community services, including:
  • National programmes in secure mental health care, including specialist community forensic teams, women’s secure blended services, and peer-based approaches
  • The national New Care Models initiative in mental health, including inpatients services for young people, and for people with an eating disorder
  • The national Suicide and self-harm prevention programme
  • The introduction of specialist 18-25 mental health services, including appraisal of economic risks
  • The “Connecting Care” approach to integrated health and social care in community hubs in Wakefield (three-year programme)
  • An eleven-site collaborative approach to care planning in the Republic of Ireland
  • The design, management and delivery of capacity planning, demand and patient flow modelling of both inpatient and community mental health services, in a wide variety of services, from Cumbria to Dorset, and from large cities (Birmingham, Leeds, Bradford, Nottingham, South West London) to large rural areas, such as Norfolk, Suffolk, Derbyshire, Lancashire, Warwickshire and Leicestershire.
  • Expert facilitation skills working with both service managers and board directors managing workshops and planning days for local teams, including the development of performance frameworks, and clinical strategies.
  • Coordinating the delivery of Niche’s Investigatory assurance framework.

Mary-Ann Bruce




Mary-Ann joined Niche from Mazars LLP where she lead the Health Advisory team. Mary-Ann trained as a registered general and sick children’s nurse in London, and a Health Visitor in the North East. She has over 30 years NHS experience predominantly in the community, mental health and primary care space and associated services. She also has an MBA.

Mary-Ann is best known for her work on Mortality Governance – since the high-profile publication of the Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust report she has been working and liaising with over 60 NHS trusts on this subject. This includes speaking widely on governance, Learning from Deaths approaches, thematic reviews of patient safety learning and system wide reviews of deaths to inform joined up learning.  Her publicly available work includes a ground breaking system-wide Structured Judgement Review across Leicestershire. Mary-Ann was also a key member of the CQC Expert Advisory Group for the subsequent CQC report commissioned by the Secretary of State – Learning, Candour and Accountability following her work at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust.

Mary-Ann is an integral part of our investigations and major reviews team.

Skills and Experience

  • Large scale system-wide multi population Independent Investigations following complaints and serious incidents.
  • Multi-agency investigation of patient deaths across mental health/learning disability, acute and primary care settings.
  • The delivery of highly sensitive investigations requiring skilled family engagement. 
  • Expert delivery and lead authorship of suicide and homicide investigations for NHS England.
  • System wide clinical quality audit (Structured Judgement Reviews) resulting in system wide impact and change.
  • Expertise in costing NHS-Funded Nursing Care leading to published findings and subsequent work to examine the costs and trends in the use of agency nursing in the care home sector.
  • Experience of Safeguarding reviews across the Charity, Education and Housing sectors.
  • Strategic Review of Supported Living Service for Housing Associations.
  • Pre-CQC inspection support for care providers in Supported Living Service.

Emma Foreman




Before joining Niche Emma worked as the Clinical Nurse Lead for the Board Advisory practice at Deloitte LLP. She participated in quality, board and specialist governance reviews in line with core regulatory frameworks at more than 100 organisations. She has also been a Patient Flow Manager in a large acute NHS Foundation Trust. Emma has a passion for delivering complex reviews and investigations into clinical practice, governance and culture.

As a former Registered General Nurse, Emma has extensive experience with care of the elderly in the acute setting. Emma now works within the assurance and investigations area for Niche and has worked with a wide range of NHS providers including community, acute, ambulance and mental health undertaking specialist and internal audit reviews and investigations on quality and governance. 

She is also a member of the Niche senior leadership team and helps ensure all our work meets the highest quality standards. 

Skills and Experience

  • Vast experience in the fields of quality, governance, assurance and investigations gained over 20 years in the NHS and consulting sector. 
  • Expertise in all aspects of governance related projects particularly focussing on well-led leadership.
  • Conducting and expertly managing investigation into catastrophic incidents involving close family liaison and engagement with extremely traumatised staff.
  • Investigating Never Events.
  • Redesigning pathways in order to meet local and mandated access targets while also improving patient and service user experience. Projects have included admission avoidance, identification of bottle necks, early supported discharge, team capacity and capability reviews.
  • Facilitation of Executive Director, health and social care leadership programmes including those that are ‘place based’ in order to drive efficiencies while also improving organisational culture and patient safety.

Kathryn Hyde-Bales




Kathryn has previously worked for Mazars LLP and Verita, where she gained extensive consultancy experience. She has operational experience, having worked as the Head of Governance at HCA Princess Grace Hospital. Kathryn also has broad public sector experience, previously working at the Healthcare Commission, and later the Care Quality Commission, in a range of investigative, analytical and management roles.

Kathryn brings to Niche and our clients a wealth of experience in investigations, regulation and governance, gained in the public and private health sector. She is a core member of our team, leading, delivering, and supervising complex Niche investigations across all NHS sectors. She is a member of the Niche senior leadership team.

Skills and Experience

  • Numerous independent mental health homicide care and treatment investigations.
  • Expertise in combined mental health homicide investigations and safeguarding adult reviews.
  • Numerous care and treatment reviews across the health sector (e.g., acute care).
  • Complaint handling reviews; individual and service level.
  • Assessment and review of Trust Serious Incident investigation process and reports.
  • Learning disability care and treatment reviews involving multiple providers across several years.
  • Assurance reviews of Trust internal investigations and the implementation of resultant action plans.
  • ‘Mock’ CQC inspections and support for NHS and social care providers.

Danni Sweeney




Danni is an experienced governance and board advisory consultant, who for the past seven years has specialised in reviewing and improving health care governance and leadership arrangements. Danni worked at Deloitte LLP for several years as part of their healthcare advisory practice and has undertaken dozens of Well-led governance reviews as well as strategic, service improvement and assurance reviews with a broad range of clients.

Danni brings a particular interest in staff experience and culture to our investigations and reviews. She is an Executive Coach, qualified with the Institute of Leadership and Management. Danni regularly provides programmes of coaching to Board members and senior leaders within the NHS to support them in undertaking their roles effectively.

Skills and Experience

  • Expertise in conducting numerous well-led reviews of leadership and governance across the country, including with trusts rated Outstanding overall, to those where there are regulatory concerns.
  • Designing and delivering a Board development programme for Integrated Care Systems.
  • Leading and facilitating Board and Senior Leadership coaching in preparation for CQC preparations.
  • Undertaking national evaluations of the Well-led Framework on behalf of oversight and regulatory bodies.
  • Undertaking complex investigations and assurance reviews on investigations.
  • Supporting on clinical due diligence programmes for mergers and acquisitions.

Paul Smith

Director of Information and Analytics



Paul is a highly skilled and motivated healthcare analytics and finance specialist, with over 16 years’ experience in delivering complex quantitative and qualitative analysis. He also has several years’ commercial experience in healthcare consultancy delivering high-level projects for public and private sector healthcare organisations, regulators, and government bodies.

Prior to joining Niche he has held roles at the Care Quality Commission, McKinsey and Company, The Nuffield Trust, and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.

At Niche Paul leads a team of data scientists supplying a range of analytical services to harness the power of data to generate actionable client insights, enhance strategic decision-making, and drive improvements for organisations and patients. Recent services provided by the team include capacity and demand forecasting, discrete event simulation, evaluation of service initiatives, and patient safety analytics to inform a high-profile investigation.

Paul holds both a BSc and PhD in chemistry from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology.

Skills and Experience

  • Capacity and demand and workforce modelling for a district nursing service in the North of England.
  • Discrete event simulation modelling to establish the correct service configuration and bed base for a mental health provider in the South West.
  • Activity and travel-time analysis for a major hospital reconfiguration in the North West.
  • Development of a novel casemix classification system for acute medical activity in NHS hospitals.
  • Development and validation of an electronic frailty index focussing on older people in acute settings, providing a low-cost, systematic way to screen for frailty and identify patients at greater risk of adverse outcomes.
  • Lead analyst on a major report referenced in NHS England’s Five Year Forward View exploring past trends in the NHS and likely pressures facing hospitals in the future.

Susan Bagshaw

Business Manager



Sue has worked for Niche for almost 30 years and manages the day to day running of the office. Sue has a wealth of knowledge and experience in consultancy business management.

Skills and Experience

She plays a central role in day to day financial and framework management, she coordinates our tender submissions and ensures the business continues to run smoothly.

Jenny Treanor

Senior Consultant



Jenny is a former qualified nurse with a wealth of experience across the health sector in clinical, developmental and management roles. She joined Niche almost ten years ago from the Patients Association where she led a national project to improve complaints management. Before this she worked for over ten years at the Audit Commission as a Senior Performance Specialist, supporting a wide range of health organisations, to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their services.

Throughout her career Jenny has been interested and involved in service improvement; with a focus on how evaluation and analysis can be used to drive this. She takes a lead role in our evaluation work, with a particular interest and experience in ensuring that patient and carer perspectives are included within it.

Skills and Experience

  • Evaluation for NHS England of new, cutting edge, inpatient and community forensic mental health services. She led the evaluation of the Women’s Secure Blended Services pilot and was a key member of the team who delivered the evaluations of the Specialist Community Forensic Teams pilot.
  • Working with adult and children’s learning disabilities services to identify the impact of key changes in practice and additional funding.
  • Serious incident and mental health homicide reviews.
  • Expert reviewer of complaints and facilitation of re-design of improved processes and practice. This includes the delivery of large scale training programmes on complaints handling and management to staff and managers across a range of organisations
  • Market assessments and reviews, to guide strategic decision making, in the community and mental health sectors for both NHS and independent sector clients.

Elizabeth Donovan

Senior Consultant



Elizabeth has an extensive background in the NHS, particularly in relation to incident management and investigations between health and social care. Elizabeth is experienced at supporting the NHS to implement improvement solutions locally in line with service-level protocols.

Elizabeth is a specialist in serious incident management and investigation, with experience in setting up serious incident reporting, investigation and governance systems. She has completed several dozen Serious Incident Reviews including mental health and domestic homicide investigations and reviews.

Skills and Experience

  • Expertise in providing advice, guidance and support for all of Level 1 and 2 Serious Incident investigations.
  • Delivering numerous serious incident investigations at Level 2, including inpatient and community suicides and mental health homicides.
  • Implementing structured system for assurance of Trust and CCG action plans following Serious Incident investigations.
  • Presenting investigations and reports at Coroner inquests following Serious Incident investigations.
  • Developing and delivering investigation and Root Cause Analysis training for providers and commissioners.
  • Acting as the main point of contact and liaison for managing joint Serious Incident investigations involving multiple stakeholders.
  • Managing Serious Incident investigations that run in parallel to complaints, Safeguarding Adult Reviews, Child Safeguarding Practice Review and police inquiries.

Mary Smith

Senior Consultant



Mary is an experienced social worker of 20 years, operating as an Approved Social Worker (ASW) and then Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP) under the Mental Health Act.  Mary is a qualified Best Interest Assessor (BIA) under the Mental Capacity Act. Over her career Mary has held various senior roles including senior social worker, Caldicott guardian, adult safeguarding lead, service manager, lead AMHP and Head of Adult Social Care.  Mary is a Specialist Advisor for the Care Quality Commission, taking part in regulation visits and projects to support performance and delivery of mental health services nationally. Mary completed her MSc in Advanced Interventions in Mental Health during 2011; trained in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for people experiencing psychosis and family intervention (FI) and family education for families and people experiencing psychosis. 

Skills and Experience

  • In depth knowledge of legislation relevant to execute statutory duties (Care Act 2014, Mental Capacity Act 2005, NHS Health & Social Care Act 2006, Mental Health Act 2007).
  • In depth knowledge of best practice and guidance relating to delivery of Adult Social Care including adult safeguarding lead and Caldicott guardian role – considerable experience of working in an adult social care setting.
  • Experienced lead for delivering effective quality assured adult safeguarding services and providing assurance at Department Of Adult Social Services (DASS) level for delivery of statutory safeguarding adult functions.
  • Experienced lead for delivery of adult social care into acute hospital settings to support improved delivery for safe and effective transfers of care.
  • Experienced signatory for Local Authority as Supervisory Body to ensure appropriate sign off for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) within all Care / Residential settings (Under DoLS associated legislation within MCA 2005 and MHA 2007).
  • Experienced in leading serious incident reviews utilising root cause analysis, and Safeguarding Adult Reviews under the Care Act 2014

Sarah Dunnett

Senior Consultant



Sarah is a qualified nurse who has a wealth of experience in health care and health and social care regulation. Sarah joined Niche from the Care Quality Commission where she held senior roles in both mental health and acute sector regulation and enforcement.

Skills and Experience

  • Extensive experience in applying the Health and Social Care Act, the Mental Health Act and other relevant legislation.
  • Acting as the point of contact and liaison with multiple stakeholders, liaising with other regulatory bodies on complex investigations.
  • Leading investigations and reviews which have led to criminal prosecution.
  • Developing and delivering training on investigation methods.
  • Implementing systems to provide assurance that regulatory action was being delivered and used to drive improvements in practice.
  • Working with regional-level system stakeholders to oversee and deliver improvements to health and care delivery.

Michelle Carberry

Senior Consultant



Michelle is a highly experienced finance professional and a Chartered Accountant. Before joining Niche she had over 30 years’ experience in finance, governance and performance roles in the public, private and third sector including a successful career in audit/assurance and advisory services. 

She has held senior finance and performance roles in community providers, Commissioners and was also a Non-Executive Director at an acute Trust. She has a wealth of experience from working with clients across the health and social care sector.

At Niche Michelle provides financial insight across health and social care policy and a proven track record of working with Boards, senior teams and other stakeholders to improve performance and deliver value for money.

Skills and Experience

  • Reviewing the commissioning of acute services and independent sector healthcare provider delivery as part of NHSE commissioned independent investigations.
  • Investigating Continuing Healthcare complaints and associated governance arrangements in place.
  • Reviewing Executive Team performance and remuneration including benchmarking with national and local metrics.
  • Costing of residential and nursing care to inform fee setting, working with commissioners and providers to understand the drivers of costs, collect data and model projected costs.
  • Review of the governance and performance of a GP Federation.
  • Working with Trusts to assess corporate services, including working with NHSE on Model Hospital benchmarking data and savings opportunities.
  • Reviewing the financial, commercial and quality performance aspects of a major provider of supported living services.
  • Delivering feasibility studies for the options for the care of older people in North Yorkshire and a care co-ordination centre in Greater Manchester.

Andrea Tipping

Senior Consultant



Andrea is a mental health nurse with a wide range of experience in the NHS and independent sector including forensic mental health, liaison, crisis and community settings. This has included advanced practice and clinical and professional lead roles. She maintains her NMC registration as a mental health nurse and non-medical prescriber. Prior to joining Niche, Andrea worked for the Care Quality Commission, developing skills in regulation and enforcement. She has a breadth of experience in managing provider services and partnership working across health and social care. Throughout Andrea’s career, she has driven improvements in the systems in which she has worked, including quality improvement work. Andrea has completed an MSc in Advanced Practice in Health and Social Care and a BSc in Psychotherapeutic Interventions.

Skills and Experience

  • Leading investigations relating to serious incidents, including following suicide, significant violence and sexual safety incidents.
  • Extensive experience in review and assurance of organisational investigations, reports and resultant action plans.
  • Expert analytic skills, in evaluating and analysing complex, diverse data and evidence. This includes summarising good practice guidance to produce expert witness reports and policy guidance.

Ashley Nuttall

Consultant Trainee



Ashley has a strong academic background and has completed a BSc in Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice. She has a wealth of experience in the education sector and before joining Niche has worked for several years as a Safeguarding Lead in an educational setting. She supports senior consultants in investigations and has a keen interest in applying her learned knowledge and wealth of training in line with statutory legislation and guidance to drive improvements in practice.

Skills and Experience

  • Extensive safeguarding experience within the education sector dealing with complex, multi-agency cases.
  • Working with a vast number of services including Children’s Social Care and Adult Social Care with a focus on best practice and statutory duties. She is passionate about effective engagement and delivering the best outcomes.
  • Offering responsive and coordinated support to young people and their families using a culture of listening and engaging dialogue, meeting the language and communication needs of young people and families to ensure a person-centred approach in decision-making, essential for effective support and engagement.
  • In-depth knowledge of applying the Mental Health Act 2007, Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Care Act 2014 and other relevant legislation.
  • Certified Early Help Practitioner and has undertaken extensive training including Child Protection, Adult Safeguarding, The Care Act 2014, Mental Health, Trauma Informed Practice, Substance Misuse and Cultural Competency.

Gosia Davies

Operations Manager



Gosia holds a Masters degree in Pedagogy and Health Sciences and Prince 2 Foundation qualifications.

Gosia is an experienced project manager. She joined Niche after eight years of running and overseeing a range of schemes with complex partnership arrangements for a global insurer. Gosia has strong communication and interpersonal skills. She also has extensive experience in information management, including gathering and analysing data.

Gosia manages the project support team at Niche, she works collaboratively with the Board, SLT and project delivery teams to ensure support is coordinated across all work areas.

Gosia typically leads project support on our larger projects and has extensive experience of working with multiple stakeholders, managing large information sets, and coordinating complex projects.

Skills and Experience

Gosia’s corporate role at Niche includes:

  • Strategic oversight of IG IT and Quality and working closely with responsible Partner and Director to monitor, maintain and evaluate the existing framework to identify areas for improvement, and rectify any issues. Devise training plans and provide IG and data protection advice to staff members.
  • Conducting internal audits to ensure compliance and to address potential issues.
  • Preparing and coordinating ISO audits.
  • Serving as the main point of contact within the organization for staff members and associates for any day to day operational queries and issues.

How We Work

We work with our clients, families and regulators with absolute integrity at all times. We price our jobs responsibly and we deliver within agreed budgets and timescales. Where this is not possible, we communicate at an early stage to address any problems or blocks which may exist on the project.

Our team are amongst the best subject matter expert (SME) specialists in the country and at Niche we work hard to ensure that our clients have the best advice and support available. By becoming a Niche client, you are joining one of the key healthcare quality insight networks in the UK. We keep our clients up to date with regular briefings, thought leadership and knowledge gained from our primary research bank.

We have worked in most parts of the UK, as well as engagements in other countries and we can regularly draw upon this huge base of benchmark data, knowledge and experience to support our clients with their daily challenges. We have also developed unique models to ensure that governance, patient safety and quality improvement are central to the productivity and efficiency agenda in support of the notion that ‘good care costs less’.

Niche has a deep understanding of provider and commissioner services combined with practitioners who have unparalleled subject matter expertise. Our practitioners and associates are amongst the best subject matter expert (SME) specialists in the country and at Niche we work hard to ensure that our clients have the best advice and support available.

The delivery of meaningful outcomes for our clients and families is our most important goal. Importantly, we are committed to working independently, yet alongside organisations building strong collaborative relationships that promote sustainable change and longer-term resilience in services.

Our Associates

We have an extensive team of associates who are subject matter experts in their own fields. We also have excellent links with the Royal Colleges to ensure that if an assignment needs a highly specialist expert we can cover this requirement. All our associates are inducted into the way Niche delivers projects and are fully integrated into the vision and values we hold dear as a firm.

You can therefore always be assured that the Niche Team on any project will fit your particular needs.

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