Swansea Bay Independent Maternity and Neonatal Review

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Support Information

In the following pages we provide direct information as well as sign-posts to a range of external information. Please click on the relevant link below.


As a firm, we value our independence and integrity to the utmost. We have built a solid, long-standing reputation for delivering independent investigations, reviews and evaluations which can be trusted by our clients and regulatory bodies nationally. Niche is a wholly owned (by its Directors), independent consultancy. We have no external shareholders, and no contractual or other relationships with any other organisation which would compromise our independence. Our Directors and senior staff have no conflicting interests in any other organisation and we ask them to make regular declarations in this regard.

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We have a professional duty to protect people from harm and to care for both the professionals who work for us, who we work with and also the patients, families and carers who may be proxy to our investigations, evaluation and advisory work.

We are not, however, a provider of care and so the way that we keep people safe from harm is in the following ways:

  • We conduct ourselves with a high degree of professionalism and we are alert to the fact that we need to apply discretion, kindness and integrity in our work.
  • When we interview people as part of our work, we always aim to keep them safe by explaining the interview process, how they can pause or halt the interview and how they can access support.
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Information for...

Information for commissioning clients

You may or may not have commissioned an independent review before and this may initially seem like a daunting process. We have provided some information in the following pages relating to our independence within the commissioning process and links to our consultancy terms and conditions. Other information relating to the process of reporting, Maxwellisation and escalating during projects is also found in these pages.

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Information for families

We are aware that participating in an investigation or review can be a daunting or confusing process we are also aware that you have likely been through a very difficult time already, prior to this work being commissioned. Whilst we are always independent we do want to support your through this process, in the following pages we have provided information about investigations, reviewing reports and also how you can contact further help and support services.

Information for families Reviewing a draft report - families

Information for professionals and staff under review

If you are participating in an investigation or review this can be stressful. You will want to know that the people undertaking that review are working with experience, independence and compassion. We have provided information to support you through the process of investigation as well as sign-posts to other support functions or agencies.

Information for Professionals Niche Using Advisors Press statement - Morecambe Bay Urology Review Press statement - Swansea Bay Maternity Review - Placeholder

Terms & Conditions

We are a strongly values driven organisation and exercise our continuous commitment to improving health and social care services in everything we do.

Data Security

As a specialist consultancy in this field, we have almost three decades experience in working with all aspects of data supply and analysis. Recently, the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) have introduced a clearer distinction between the respective roles and responsibilities of Data Controllers and Data Processors - and the need for formal signing of data processing agreements and data privacy impact assessments whenever personal data is to be transferred to a third-party organisation.

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