Swansea Bay Independent Maternity and Neonatal Review

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Improvement Analytics

Improvement Analytics

We have been delivering analytical solutions since the formation of Niche nearly three decades ago. Using our own leading edge software we deliver analytical solutions to both national policy imperatives and local situations.

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What We Do

Mental health capacity and demand modelling (across inpatient and community services)

System based modelling of flow and demand

Patient safety and incident modelling

Community services modelling of patient flows, demand, and capacity

Service specific ‘deep dive’ performance assessment

Mortality reviews

Bespoke dashboard quality and incident analysis

Our Expertise

Whole pathway mental health service modelling has been the backbone of our work over the last decade. We have delivered numerous projects modelling capacity, flow and demand for individual trusts and whole systems covering the full breadth of services. This helps clients to deliver services which are:

  • Safer, ensuring early and local access to services for people needing it – reducing out of area treatments to an absolute minimum – and improving recovery to help people stay well.
  • Financially sustainable, making best use of the money and workforce available.
  • Effective, more responsive to patients’ preferences, and better able to handle future demand.

The analysis and interpretation of patient safety intelligence is also core to our skill set, combining the skills of our in-house analysts with clinical colleagues in other parts of the firm. We provide an intelligence led, and clinically-informed approach to the review of patient harms and key safety indicators at a speciality
(and individual consultant) level. This approach is used when an organisation has a:

  • Fundamental, internally generated concern, that it is not providing the best care possible, as encapsulated by recurring safety/harm issues, but is unable to understand why this is so.
  • Significant outlying position on one or a series of ‘harm indicators’ that the Trust or its commissioners / system are concerned about.
  • Desire to improve care further as part of its strategic agenda and is seeking a safety monitoring framework to do this within.
  • Formal requirement for investigation.


Please contact one of our Partners for more information.

Improvement Analytics expertise

Case Study:

Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

How we used simulation modelling to assess capacity, demand and patient flow

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Case Study:

Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

How we modelled capacity, demand and patient flow in the Emergency Department.

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Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust banner image

Case Study:

St Andrew’s Healthcare

How we helped them develop their strategy using capacity and demand modelling

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Our Other Services


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Large-Scale Enquiries

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Thematic Review

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